Correction of Artifacts Induced by B0 Inhomogeneities with RPG on a Breast Diffusion Phantom
Lauren K Fang1, Ana E Rodriguez-Soto1, Summer J Batasin2, Kathryn E Keenan3, and Rebecca A Rakow-Penner2
1Radiology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, United States
Reduced-FOV DWI without parallel imaging (PI) and full-FOV DWI with PI reduced initial distortions in the phase encoding (PE) direction. Reduced-FOV images had the largest initial distortion in the frequency encoding direction. RPG improved distortion artifacts in the PE direction.
Figure 1. Representative images of breast distortion phantom polycarbonate grid collected with full-FOV EPI with (left) and without (middle) parallel imaging (PI) and reduced-FOV EPI without PI (right). Images of positive (A-C) and negative (D-F) PE direction before RPG distortion correction. (G-I) Positive PE direction images after RPG correction. (J-L) Overlay of each circle’s center location from DWI data before (magenta) and after (green) RPG on anatomical reference image.
Figure 2. Magnitudes of distortion artifacts before and after RPG correction in (A,B) the phase-encoding, (C,D) frequency-encoding directions for full-FOV EPI with (red) and without (green) parallel imaging (PI) and reduced-FOV EPI without PI (blue). Horizontal black bars indicate p<0.05 significance.