Histogram analysis of synthetic MRI parameters  correlations with prognostic factors and molecular subtypes in invasive ductal breast cancer
Qin Li1, Pu-Yeh Wu2, and Yajia Gu1
1Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China, 2GE Healthcare, Beijing, China
IDC with high nuclear grade had higher PD10th, PDmean, PDmedian and PDmax. PDmedian was higher in IDC with HER2 positivity. T110th was higher in cancers with PR negativity. Cancers with hormone receptornegativity had higher T210th, T2mean and T2median than that with hormone receptor positivity.
Fig 1. The ROC of T210th, T2mean, T2median and T290th values distinguishing TNBC from luminal A subtypes
Fig 2. The ROC of T210th, T2mean, T2median and T290th values distinguishing TNBC from luminal B subtypes