Triple negative breast cancer COX-2 expression distinctly alters spleen metabolism in immunocompromised mice compared to immunocompetent mice
James Dion Barnett1, Marie-France Penet1, Balaji Krishnamachary 1, Zaver Bhujwalla1, Flonne Wildes1, Santosh Kumar Bharti1, and Yelena Mironchik1
1The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
Here we demonstrate
how COX-2 expression may alter spleen metabolism that greatly impacts tumor
progression and cancer persistence. Our findings suggest that tumor burden
alone may drive metabolic alterations in the spleen.
Data summarizing the spleen
weights in (A)
SCID mouse
with non-tumor-bearing
control (n=6), SUM-149-EV (n=9),
SUM-149-COX-2 (n=12) mice and (B) BALB/c mouse groups with
non-tumor-bearing control (n=5), 4T1-wt (n=3), 4T1-EV (n=5) and 4T1-COX2shRNA
(n=5) mice. Values represent
Mean ± SEM.
Intensity quantification normalized to
SCID mouse spleen
weight from
non-tumor-bearing control (n=6), SUM-149-EV (n=9),
SUM-149-COX-2 (n=12) groups illustrated respectively for (A) glutamate,
(B) glutamine,
(C) glutathione,
(D) lactate
and (E) aspartate. Values
represent Mean ± SEM.