Multi-Physics Multi-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mehdi Sadighi1, Mert Şişman1, and B. Murat Eyüboğlu1
1Electrical and Electronics Eng., Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Diffusion-Weighted (DW) Spin Echo (SE) based pulse sequence with current
injection is proposed to acquire multi-contrast MR data based on different physical
Figure 1: The
schematic diagram of the SE based Multi-contrast pulse sequence. gd’s are the magnitudes of the diffusion encoding gradients. I± and TC are the amplitude and the duration of the
injected current, respectively. The current pulse is injected after 90°
RF pulse until the beginning of gd.
Figure 5: The
reconstructed ECDR (η) and
conductivity tensor distributions of the imaging phantom
using the vertical and horizontal current injections. (a) η (b) cxx (c) cyy (d) czz.
The mean values of the reconstructed anisotropic conductivity for the left and
right inhomogeneities are: cxx,Left =
0.33 S/m, cyy,Left = 0.28
S/m, czz,Left = 0.31 S/m
and cxx,Right = 0.30 S/m, cyy,Right = 0.32 S/m, czz,Right = 0.35 S/m.