Towards correlating tissue status with dynamic PRF-T1 measurements using a single reference dual flip angle technique
Henrik Odéen1, Sara L Johnson1, Allison H Payne1, and Dennis L Parker1
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
A single-reference dual flip angle method is used for simultaneous volumetric PRF/T1 measurements in a clinically relevant time. The slope of the T1 vs. temperature curve correlates with delivered thermal dose. T1 can be used as a complimentary measure for treatment outcome evaluation.
Figure 4. T1 (ms) as
a function of temperature (°C) for the 14 consecutive sonications in
experiment 2. Mean +/- standard error over 3x3 voxels is shown for heating
(red) and cooling (blue), and lines indicate linear fits. The title for each
sub-plot states the slope of the heating and cooling part, respectively. The
last 4 sonications
delivered increasing amounts of dose, from 41 to 1*108 CEM43.
Figure 3. Temperature (°C) and T1 (ms) as
a function of time for experiment 2. The first five sonications used
29 eW, the
next five used 52 eW, and
the last four used 66 eW, all
for 19.6 s with 39.2 s cooling in-between consecutive sonications.