The Use of the 3He/129Xe MRI Lung Morphometry for a Longitudinal Observation of the Emphysema Progression in AATD Patients
Elise Noelle Woodward1, Matthew S Fox1,2, Tingting Wu3, Hacene Serrai1, David G McCormack4, Grace Parraga3,4,5,6, and Alexei Ouriadov1,2,6
1Physics and Astronomy, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Lawson Health Research Centre, London, ON, Canada, 3Department of Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 4Department of Medicine, Respirology, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 5Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, 6School of Biomedical Engineering, Western University, London, ON, Canada
We demonstrated that normalizing inconsistencies in ADC/Lm based emphysema progression biomarkers is an important step in increasing the validity of such measurements. Ventilation defect percentage is a possible way to remedy these inconsistencies.
AATD=Alpha-one antitrypsin deficiency; AATD-1= Ex-smoker AATD; ADC = apparent diffusion coefficient; VDP = ventilation defect percentage; Lm = mean linear intercept estimate.
Figure 4 shows five representative ADCHe/ADCXe maps for the AATD-1 subject.