Rapid Whole-Brain Myelin Mapping via Selective Inversion Recovery and Compressed SENSE
Ping Wang1, Nicholas Sisco1, and Richard Dortch1
1Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States
For quantitative magnetization transfer using selective inversion recovery, the combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging yields significantly reduced scan times with little effect on the precision and accuracy of myelin quantification in white matter.
Fig. 3: (A) - (C): PSR maps of a healthy volunteer (male, 36 yrs) under the CS-SENSE factors of 3, 8, and 12, respectively; (D) - (F) show the corresponding R1f maps.
Fig. 1: (A) - (C) PSR maps of the BSA phantoms under the CS-SENSE factor of 3, 8, and 12 respectively, the phantoms' concentrations are labeled on (A). The corresponding R1f maps under each CE-SENSE factor are shown in (D) - (F).