DeepResp: Deep Neural Network for respiration-induced artifact correction in 2D multi-slice GRE
Hongjun An1, Hyeong-Geol Shin1, Sooyeon Ji1, Woojin Jung1, Sehong Oh2, Dongmyung Shin1, Juhyung Park1, and Jongho Lee1
1Department of Electrical and computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Division of Biomedical Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of
A new deep-learning method correcting for respiration-induced artifacts is designed. This method extracts B0 fluctuation from a GRE image, providing reliability in the correction. The results show a successful correction of the artifacts.
Figure 1. Overview of DeepResp. (a) Overview of DeepResp. DeepResp is designed to extract the phase error from a GRE image. (b) Architecture of a two-stage neural network in DeepResp. The first stage extracts the differential values of the phase errors. The second stage accumulates the differential values, generating the phase errors.
Figure 2. In-vivo results of DeepResp in deep breathing. (a) Two slices (first and third rows) and their zoomed-in images (second and fourth rows) are shown. Artifacts (red and yellow arrows) are clearly reduced in DeepResp- and navigator-corrected images. The phase errors show very high correlations between the results of DeepResp (red line) and the navigator (black line). (b) Quantitative metrics of NRMSE report improvements in all subjects (red: DeepResp-corrected; blue: uncorrected images)