SMS-EPI real-time motion correction by receiver phase compensation and coil sensitivity interpolation
Bo Li1, Ningzhi Li2, Ze Wang1, and Thomas Ernst1
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2U.S. Food Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, United States
By utilizing the spatial sensitivity interpolation, the split slice-GRAPPA and SENSE techniques have ability to separate slices from collapsed multislice images in real-time motion correction for SMS-EPI sequence.
Fig. 3. SMS-EPI reconstruction of SSG and SENSE with original coil sensitivity maps (oCSM) and updated coil sensitivity maps (uCSM) at maximum motion velocity (a), and corresponding motion parameters for single TR period (b). Images reconstructed without uCSM exhibit aliasing artifacts, as indicated in zoomed views (red boxes). Conversely, reconstructions with uCSM show clearer inner structure and boundaries as well as much less aliasing artifacts.
Fig. 4. SSG and SENSE reconstructions of stationary phantom (x/y/z-translation -2.4/6.4/21.5mm; x/y/z-rotation 10.5°/5.2°/-0.5°). Residual aliasing artifacts appear in most slices of the SSG with oCSM (white arrows), whereas the SSG with uCSM show reduced artifacts and clearer inner structure and boundaries. SENSE images with oCSM show aliasing artifacts (red boxes), while uCSM improves delineation of structures and eliminates slice-aliasing artifacts.