Effects of geometric distortions on navigator accuracy for motion corrected brain imaging at 7T
Mads Andersen1 and Vincent Oltman Boer2
1Philips Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark
Brain imaging at 7T can benefit from motion correction. EPI can reduce navigator durations. We investigated the accuracy for volume navigators of different resolutions and EPI readout durations. The realignment error grows with the size of motion, voxel size, and EPI readout duration.
Figure 1: Examples of the simulated navigators. Water navigators left, fat navigators to the right. Fat navigators were not simulated for echo times of 10 ms and larger, because of the short T2* of fat.
Figure 5: The fit value (see figure 4) at 10 mm motion score of the golden standard, for all navigators simulated. For each resolution the readout durations (RO dur.) and echo times correspond to (from left to right): No EPI, EPI SENSE 5, EPI SENSE 3, EPI SENSE 1.