Conformal design of radio-frequency head coil for ultra-high field MRI
Tiago Martins1, Tales Santini1, Jacob Berardinelli1, Anthony DeFranco1, and Tamer S Ibrahim1
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
We presented examples of the conformal Tic Tac Toe model for
different head coil design configurations for ultra-high field MRI. The
conformal model yields improved coil performance metrics and allows the
flexibility in design.
Figure 1: Representation of simulation design for a) the current 16 channels
Tic Tac Toe (TTT) coil; b) the conformal 16 channels TTT coil; c) the
new conformal 32 channels TTT coil with 2 channels per panel. A single
panel of the 32 channels conformal design is represented in d) and the
photo of the actual built panel is represented in e).
Figure 4: Comparison between the magnitude of experimental B1+ maps of a
conformal (a) and a planar (b) 4.25in Tic Tac Toe panels, acquired using
the same spherical phantom at approximately the same distance between
the panel and the phantom. The B1+ maps shown are the center slices for
each orientation (axial, sagittal and coronal). Intensities are
normalized to the same scale.