Stabilization of bias field on 3D MPRAGE at 7T with dielectric pads and 3D-based B1+ scaling
Giske Opheim1, Vincent O. Boer2, Esben Thade Petersen2,3, Martin Prener1, Olaf B. Paulson1,4, and Jan Ole Pedersen5
1Neurobiology Research Unit, Dept. of Neurology, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Hvidovre, Denmark, 3Section for Magnetic Resonance, DTU Health Tech, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 4Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5Philips Healhtcare, Copenhagen, Denmark
The coefficient of
variation (CV) of bias fields varied significantly between three different B1+
control approaches. A combination of large pads and 3D-based RF gain optimization
yielded the smallest variations of CV, indicating increased stability.
Figure 1:
Two images to the left: Examples of B1+ maps after 2D and 3D RF gain optimization from the same subject. The 2D gain optimization
for this subject caused B1+ of 160% in the center of the brain. The 3D
optimization caused B1+ of 140% (yellow arrows).
The green arrows indicate lateral area typically presenting B1-induced
inhomogeneity whose severity vary particularly with head size and placement of
dielectric pads.
Two right images: Example of a bias field corrected 3D
MPRAGE image and the computed bias field. The red arrows demonstrates
40% MPRAGE magnitude variations.
Figure 2:
Plots showing variability of CV across the
slices in the individual brainmasks for group 1 (black, n=48), group 2 (blue,
n=29) and group 3 (red, n=18). The slice-indexing is feet-head, i.e. high
numbers corresponds to the top of the head.