Simultaneous mapping of B0, B1 and T1 for the correction of CEST-MRI
Kerstin Heinecke1, Henrik Narvaez1, Christoph Kolbitsch1, and Patrick Schuenke1
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany
We developed a new method for simultaneous B0-,
B1- and T1- mapping, using a simple adapted CEST sequence.
First results prove the feasibility of this approach and its applicability for
the correction of CEST-MRI data.
Parameter maps and uncertainty estimation of
simulated phantom data. The left column shows the reference maps with
simulated B0- and B1- inhomogeneities and different
brain-matter-like T1 values with 1% Gaussian noise overall and one compartment
with noise ranging from 0% to 10%. From second left to right: maps generated by
the NN, difference maps between reference and NN output (x10) and uncertainty
maps generated by the NN (x10).
Exchange-weighted contrasts of simulated CEST
data before and after post-processing. Simulated with B0- and B1-
inhomogeneities, different brain-matter-like compartments and a
three-pool-system with the same CEST-pool fraction of f = 0.6% overall and one compartment
with fractions ranging from 0% to 1%. Left to right: MTRRex7
contrasts of i) the uncorrected CEST-simulation and after ii) ΔB0-correction5, iii) B1-correction6,
iv) ΔB0- and B1-correction.
Right: AREX contrast (ΔB0-, B1- and T1-corrected)7.