A comparison of recent motion-correction methods for CEST-MRI
Botao Zhao1, Ying Liu1, and Xiao-Yong Zhang1
1Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
We compared several motion correction methods using different metrics and found that the registration to mean image works the best for both simulated and in-vivo experiment data.
Tabel 1: The comparison of several motion-correction methods for CEST images with simulated motion. No_reg: without registration ; Reg2S0: registration to mean image; Reg2mean: registration to mean image; Regto3.5ppm: registration to the 3.5ppm image; Regto-3.5ppm: registration to the -3.5ppm image; Reg2lowRank: iterative registration to low-rank approximated image.
Figure 1: The S0 image, Z-spectrum of the rat03 tumor region without simulated motion and Z-spectrum without motion correction were shown at the first line. The spectra that were corrected for motion from the CEST images with simulated motion by different methods were displayed at the rest lines.