Rosette MRF for simultaneous T1, T2, and R2* mapping
Evan Cummings1,2, Yuchi Liu2, Kathleen Ropella-Panagis2, Jesse Hamilton1,2, and Nicole Seiberlich1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
This abstract proposes a method for mapping of T1, T2, and
R2* parameters from rosette MRF data, and tests this method on the ISMRM/NIST
Diagram of reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm has 2
main components: the non-linear curve fitting component for R2* estimation, and
the pattern matching component for T1 and T2 estimation.
quantification results in the ISMRM/NIST phantom. (a) The reference R2* map collected
with a 6-echo GRE sequence. (b) The R2* map created from the composite half-lobe
rosette MRF images. (c) A linear regression between the measured reference
values and rosette MRF values. (d) A table of the R2* values measured in the ISMRM/NIST