Quadrature Tx/Rx wireless coil for targeted breast MRI at 1.5 T
Viktor Puchnin1, Anna Hurshkainen1, Anton Nikulin2, Georgiy Solomakha1, Anna Andreychenko1,3, and Alena Shchelokova1
1Department of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris, CNRS, PSL University, Paris, France, 3Research and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Health Care Department, Moscow, Russian Federation
We demonstrate for the first-time a quadrature transceive wireless coil that
improves body coil transmit efficiency, SAR efficiency, and receive performance
for the targeted area of the human breast.
1: Numerical setups: the voxel model placed inside the body
birdcage coil with M-coil (a), H-coil (b), and MH-coil (c) placed around the
3: Numerically calculated B1+ (a–c) and SARav.10g
(d–f) maps for the voxel model placed inside the birdcage coil without (a,d)
and with the MH-coil. The root mean square |B1+|
value was calculated for the breast volume.
(d-f) SARav.10g distributions are plotted through the local SAR maximum
plane. The white circles indicate local SARav.10g maxima.