3D time of flight MRA using radial-based gradient echo pulse sequence with modified DIXON of the aortic arch bifurcation
Takashi Namiki1, Masami Yoneyama1, Hiroshi Hamano1, Tomohiro Mochizuki1, Yuki Ito1, Mai Nishihara1, and Yasutomo Katsumata2
1Philips Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
TOF-RADIXON of the aortic arch bifurcation allows for more robust water and fat separation without additional motion compensation. Respiratory artifacts observed by TOF-MRA have been reduced, enabling accurate vascular evaluation.
Figure 1. Compared the TOF-MRA and TOF-RADIXON of three healthy volunteers in the source image. Left column, indicates signal loss in the vascular lumen (blue arrow). Mid column, breathing fat motion-artifact shows that the artifacts overlap the blood vessels (orange arrow). Right column, indicates loss of vascular signal due to respiratory motion-artifact (red arrow).
Figure 2. Compared the TOF-MRA and TOF-RADIXON of three healthy volunteers in the MIP images with a background cut by post-processing. In the TOF-MRA, due to the fat in the chest wall, it overlaps the MIP image as a white haze compared to the TOF-RADIXON.