Examining the association between sluggish cognitive tempo and functional connectivity in children with ADHD: A pilot study
Adebayo B Braimah1, Jonathan A Dudley1, Jeffery Epstein2, Leanne Tamm2, and Stephen P Becker2
1Imaging Research Center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms were associated with lower connectivity between the attention seed and medial visual areas. This preliminary study is one of the first to indicate that SCT symptoms may be associated with specific connectivity patterns independent of ADHD symptom severity.
Figure 3: Child-rated SCT symptoms (controlling for age, sex, and parent-rated ADHD inattention symptoms) shows decreased functional connectivity between the attention seed region and the: left cuneus cortex, left isthmus – cingulate cortex, left lingual gyrus, left pericalcarine cortex, left precuneus cortex, right cuneus cortex, right isthmus – cingulate cortex, right lingual gyrus, right parahippocampal gyrus, right pericalcarine cortex, right precuneus cortex.
Figure 2: Teacher-rated SCT (controlling for age, sex, and teacher-rated ADHD inattention symptoms) shows increased functional connectivity between the attention seed region and the: right cuneus cortex, right lateral occipital cortex, fight pericalcarine cortex, right superior parietal cortex, and decreased functional connectivity between the: left cuneus cortex, left isthmus – cingulate cortex, left lingual gyrus, left pericalcarine cortex, Left precuneus cortex.