Profiling diffusion at the grey matter-white matter interface (GWI) to reveal unique microstructural features: proof of concept in aging
Roman Fleysher1 and Michael L Lipton1
1Radiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States
We propose an approach to assess alteration of the sharpness of gray-white matter interface and illustrate it on the example of fractional anisotropy across wide age span. We observe expected decline of the sharpness of this transition in normal aging.
Figure 3. Sharpness of FA boundary decreases with age independent of sex.
Figure 1. Sharpness of the gray-white matter interface is defined as the largest slope of the FA profile plot. Positive distance is towards the deep white matter, negative distance is towards the skull. Zero is the gray-white matter boundary delineated by FreeSurfer.