How to Benchmark DSC-MRI: the technical development of an anthropomorphic phantom for software validation
Laura C. Bell1, Natenael B Semmineh1, Sudarshan Ragunathan1, and C. Chad Quarles1
1Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States
The technical development of a DSC anthropomorphic phantom enables image analysis and software platform validation. To demonstrate its applicability, this newly developed phantom is used to benchmark two different leakage correction methods.
Figure 2: An example of matched ∆R2*(t) curves between in vivo and in silico data within a tumor and NAWM pixel (Fig 2a) and the corresponding anatomical T1-weighted and CBV maps (Fig 2b).
Table 1: Preliminary data demonstrating the ability to use the DRO as a benchmark for leakage correction algorithms. Using the consensus acquisition protocol, we computed CBV for an intact-BBB and a disrupted-BBB. We chose two leakage correction methods to compare for CBV calculation: Boxerman-Schmainda-Weisskoff (BSW) and the gamma-variate (GV) methods. Using our ground truth CBV maps, we can compute the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between various estimated CBVs across the 10,000 pixels.