Cardiac Functional Analysis with Cine MRI via Deep Learning Reconstruction
Eric Z. Chen1, Xiao Chen1, Jingyuan Lyu2, Qi Liu2, Zhongqi Zhang3, Yu Ding2, Shuheng Zhang3, Terrence Chen1, Jian Xu2, and Shanhui Sun1
1United Imaging Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2UIH America, Inc., Houston, TX, United States, 3United Imaging Healthcare, Shanghai, China
This is the first work to evaluate the cine MRI with deep learning reconstruction for cardiac function analysis. The cardiac functional values obtained from cine MRI with deep learning reconstruction are consistent with values from clinical standard retro-cine MRI.
Figure 2. Cardiac functional analysis based on DL-cine, CS-cine and retro-cine. Difference with statistical significance (p<0.05) is indicated by the star.
Figure 1. Examples of reconstructed images from DL-cine, CS-cine and retro-cine MRI. Data were acquired from the same subject but three different scans.