Potential of Dual-SPECIAL sequence in revealing interregional differences in human brain metabolite concentrations
Masoumeh Dehghani1,2 and Jamie Near1,2
1McGill university, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Centre d'Imagerie Cérébrale, Douglas Mental Health University, Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Demonstrated feasibility of performing simultaneous 1H MRS localization at multiple brain regions using dual-Special sequence
  • Revealed interregional significant differences between anterior and posterior cingulate cortices, and medial supplementary motor area and adjacent lateral WM

Figure 1. (a) Three-dimensional T1-weighted anatomical images were acquired using MPRAGE. Green boxes covering two voxels illustrate the shimming volume in first scan. ACC (blue box) and PCC (red box) regions were selected for 1H MRS acquisition. (b) Localized water suppressed 1H spectrum (blue) along with spectral fit (orange), residual (black) and baseline (red) obtained from LCModel quantification.
Figure 2. (a) Green boxes covering two voxels illustrate the shimming volume in second scan in the anatomical MPRAGE image. GM-rich (red box) and WM-rich (blue box) regions were selected for 1H MRS acquisition. (b) Localized water suppressed 1H spectrum (blue) along with spectral fit (orange), residual (black) and baseline (red) obtained from LCModel quantification.