Reproducibility of High-Resolution 1H-MRSI at 7T Using SPICE
Pallab K Bhattacharyya1, Rong Guo2, Yudu Li2, Yibo Zhao2, Zhi-Pei Liang2, and Mark J Lowe1
1Cleveland Clinic Foundation, CLEVELAND, OH, United States, 2University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United States
1H SPICE was implemented at 7T and reproducibility of the technique was demonstrated at 3×3×3 mm3 spatial resolution.
Fig. 3. In
vivo scan-rescan spectra from 4 voxels within the red box.
Fig. 5. In vivo scan-rescan reproducibility:
scan-rescan voxel-wise concentration correlation plots ((a), (b) and (c)),
Bland Altman plots ((d), (e) and (f))