Automatic phase order correction in challenging MR spectra
Maria Yanez Lopez1,2
1Centre for the Developing Brain, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Biomedical Engineering Department, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
The aim of this work is to develop an automatic zero and first order phase order correction and apply it to challenging spectra, using an MRS LASER sequence at 3T
Fig 2. Top: Representative spectrum following raw data reconstruction and spectral registration. Bottom: Fit results using default preprocessing (left, TARQUIN) and proposed preprocessing pipeline (right, Matlab). Inline images display the effects of the phase correction step on the baseline.
Fig 1. Preprocessing pipeline (Matlab), including spectra alignment, eddy current correction and the proposed automatic zero and first order phase correction.