The influence of spectral registration on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy ADC estimates.
Christopher W Jenkins1
1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Simulated data are used to examine spectral registration and its new robust iteration in the context of diffusion-weighted MRS. The accuracy of these methods is examined across a broad range of SNR, and the effect they have on ADC estimates, investigated.
Fig.1: Frequency correction fidelity for SR and RSR with two increments of direct averaging. A frequency correction fidelity of 1 indicates perfect correction, 0 indicates correction was as effective as no correction, and a value less than 0 is worse than no correction. RSR performs better for low b data than high b-value data, indicating a potential for bias in diffusion fits. While DA provides a marginal gain in the effective domain of both SR and RSR, it compromises the fidelity of higher SNR data.

Fig.4: Histograms of the percentage deviation from known the ADC. Data are pooled from the fits of TNAA, TCho, and MyI, and diffusion fits with $$$R^2$$$<0.75 were excluded. The blue bars represent fits of all data, while orange bars are data fit after excluding points with SNR < 2. Here a negative value indicates an underestimation of the ADC, while a positive value indicates overestimation. All methods tended to overestimation, suggesting that higher b-values were disproportionately affected by incoherent averaging. However, filtering based on SNR remedies this to an extent.