Surface based analysis of cortical diffusion metrics: associations with cortical myeloarchitecture and underlying white matter anisotropy
Tonima Sumya Ali1 and Fernando Calamante1,2
1School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2Sydney Imaging, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
We studied the spatial distribution of 3 cortical (T1w/T2w, FA, AFDtotal) and 2 white matter (FA, FOD) metrics in cortex and adjacent white matter. Merics show significant inter-correlation with distinctive spatial patterns suggesting complementary information on cortical organisation.
Pearson correlation coefficient (r) obtained by pair-wise tests between parameters measured from cortical region and tract-weighted maps for 10 subjects (N = 10). Correlation coefficient was statistically significant in each test reported above (p < 0.05). The statistical tests were performed on the data projected on the mid-cortical surface (so that each data set has the same number of data points) to assess the relative correspondence of each parameter on others. Only the correlation coefficients > 0.3 are reported.
Group average (N = 10) representation of AFDtotal (a, b), T1w/T2w (c, d), FA (e, f), track-weighted FODamplitude (g, h) and track-weighted FA (i, j) maps displayed on inflated surfaces for the left hemisphere (column 1) and right hemisphere (column 2). The volumetric data (a - f) were averaged over 70% of the cortical thickness and projected at the mid-cortical surface. The track-weighted data (g-j), computed with fwhm tract length of 40 mm, were sampled at the GM-WM boundary and were projected at the mid-cortical surface.