Quantifying tissue microstructural changes associated with short-term learning using model-based diffusion MRI
Michele Guerreri1, Thomas Villemonteix2,3, Whitney Stee3, Evelyne Balteau4, Philippe Peigneux3,4, and Hui Zhang1
1Computer Science & Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Laboratoire de Psychopathologie et Neuropsychologie, Saint Denis, Paris 8 Vincennes - St Denis University, Paris, France, 3Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Group (UR2NF) at the Centre for Research in Cognition and Neurosciences (CRCN), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 4Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
and CHARMED used to investigate MD changes associated with brain plasticity induced
by a spatial navigation task. Free water fraction (FWF) from NODDI provide higher
sensitivity than MD and CHARMED metrics.
1. Surface analysis output: the t-statistic is reported vertex-wise for each of
the diffusion metrics. The direction of the learning related changes is color-coded,
bluish for decrease, reddish for increase of the parameter value. Each row
corresponds to a different metric. We report only those metrics with at least a
significant cluster after cluster-wise correction (figure 2). From top to
bottom: DTI’s mean diffusivity (MD); NODDI’s neurite density index (NDI) and
free water fraction (FWF); CHARMED’s mean diffusivity of the hindered
compartment (hMD).
2. Surface analysis - significant clusters: same as figure 1 but reporting the clusters
of vertices found significant after cluster-wise correction. The
cluster-forming threshold was set at p<0.001. We report clusters with pFWE<0.05.
We use different colours to help comparing groups of clusters across metrics.
We identified an occipital group (yellow), a sub parietal group (cyan), a temporal
group (red), a precentral sulcus group (magenta) a central sulcus group (green)
and a postcentral sulcus group (blue).