Optimization of b-values sampling scheme for several diffusion-weighted MRI models in the liver
Jiqing Huang1, Benjamin Leporq1, BEUF Olivier1, and Hélène Ratiney1
1Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, F-69621, Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
 To determine an optimal b-values sampling scheme for different non-Gaussian diffusion models in the liver, we optimized b-values sets  based on a Monte Carlo-like approach.  The results showed that comparable fitting parameters and reconstructing signal can be obtained with fewer b-values.
Fig.3. Average and standard deviation of the diffusion parameters fitted by different methods and with set of b values on real data acquired on a patient.
Fig.2. MAPE on the parameter estimation computed over simulated liver data for the different fitting method and set of b values (‘Full’ and ‘Selected’ by the Monte Carlo method), and diffusion models. Error bars correspond to standard error of the MAPE over the simulated liver.