1H MRS biomarkers in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1
Kirsten Kapteijns1, Teije van Prooije1, Jack JA van Asten2, Bart van de Warrenburg1, and Tom WJ Scheenen2
1Dept of Neurology, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Dept of Medical Imaging, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Altered relative metabolite levels in tNAA, glutamate, and myo-Inositol could be replicated in SCA1 and correlated with clinical scores. This indicates consistency of these MRS biomarkers, which can be considered for future trials.
Figure 2 Visualization of the significant differences in relative metaboliteslevels between patients with SCA1 and controls in the three VOIs
Figure 3 Correlation between relative metabolite levels in the brain and clinical SARA scores. tNAA is significantly correlated in all three VOIs, glutamate is correlated with clinical scores in the cerebellar white matter.