Survey of Acoustic Output in Neonatal Brain Protocols
Hannah Kurdila1, Tayeb Zaidi1, Ting Zhang1, Subha Maruvada1, and Sunder Rajan1
1Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Neonatal protocol sound levels exceeded sound levels known
to cause non-auditory stress responses in neonates but did not exceed the IEC
MRI hearing safety limit. These results indicate that these sound levels could
be risky for the neonate, but further work is required to clarify this.
LAEQ of Scans Organized by Scanner. The LAEQ ranges on each scanner vary between 8.49 - 11.9 dBA, indicating that choices in scan type can make a difference. Scanner D, the neonatal scanner, is significantly quieter than other machines. Regardless of scan type, every scan on Scanner G is louder than most other scans.
LAEQ of neonatal protocols by scanner relative to the IEC MRI hearing safety threshold. Compared to the IEC MRI hearing safety limit (red dots),
every neonatal protocol LAEQ (blue stars) with hearing protection (blue spotted
area) is below the limit. The maximum hearing protection limit was calculated
using an OSHA standard 14.