Damping of acoustic noise for neonatal MRI at 7 Tesla
Erik Huijing1, Evita Wiegers1, Dennis Klomp1, Fredy Visser1,2, Edwin Versteeg1, Koenraad Rhebergen3, Kim Annink4, Niek van der Aa4, Floris Groenendaal4, Jeroen Dudink4, Thomas Alderliesten4, Maarten Lequin1, Manon Benders4, and Jannie Wijnen1
1Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Philips HealthCare, Best, Netherlands, 3Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Neonatology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
We present a new acoustic hood for neonatal MRI exams at 7 Tesla. The
new design is lightweight and allows easy access to the neonate during the MRI
examination. We were able to optimize the new acoustic hood to a noise reduction of
Fig 1. The hoods. 1a:
Prototype that has been used this past year. 1b: Mechanical design of the new
hood. 1c: Design of easy access point to the neonate. 1d: the finished product.
Fig 3. Test results. a: Results of calibrated tests in the acoustic room. b: Results of tests
inside the MRI during various scan protocols.