RF-Induced Heating of Medical Devices in an Open Bore MRI
Seoggwan Kim1, Amy Kester1, Alan R. Leewood1, and David C. Gross1
1MED Institute Inc., West Lafayette, IN, United States
Development and validation of an open bore computational
model were demonstrated in this study. Future experiments and simulations
will be used to quantify RF-induced heating in open bore MRI for the purpose of
MRI labeling of medical devices according to ASTM F2503 [3].
Figure 1: A representative
image of (a) 1.2T Hitachi Oasis open bore MRI system, (b) RF body coil of a 1.2T Hitachi Oasis open
bore MRI system with the Duke human model, (c) RF body coil of 1.2T Hitachi
Oasis open bore MRI system with a knee implant in an ASTM gel phantom (65cm x
42cm x 9cm), and (d) detailed CAD model of a knee implant.
Figure 4: Temperature rise contour of a nitinol SFA stent and
a knee implant within Duke in 1.5T Siemens Avanto closed bore and 1.2T Hitachi
Oasis open bore MRI systems at a scan time of 900 sec.