Unloaded RF transmit coil B1+ maps do not correlate with SAR hotspots
Xin Chen1 and Michael Steckner1
1Canon Medical Research USA Inc., Mayfield Village, OH, United States
Unloaded coil B1+ maps don’t provide useful information for reducing skin/bore RF burns, are very different vs loaded B1+ maps, don’t include the B1- contributions, and don’t accurately reflect the E-field distribution responsible for RF burns.
Figure 1. Duke at abdomen landmark: a) centered b) shifted to his right side and c) associated unloaded coil B1+ map [uT] at hotspot level shown in Figure 4.
Figure 2. a) the variations in B1+ caused by loading [log10(loaded B1+ / unloaded B1+)] and b) the associated SAR map. Both figures are at the coronal level of the SAR hotspot in wrist for Duke in the central position. The colourbar range in a) only has been truncated by approximately 50% to magnify colour variations.