A Supervised Artificial Neural Network Approach with Standardized Targets for IVIM Maps Computation
Alfonso Mastropietro1, Daniele Procissi2, Elisa Scalco1, Giovanna Rizzo1, and Nicola Bertolino2
1Istituto di Tecnologie Biomediche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Segrate, Italy, 2Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States
Fitting the IVIM bi-exponential
model is challenging especially at low SNRs and time consuming. In this work we
propose a supervised artificial neural network approach to obtain reliable
parameters estimation as demonstrated in both simulated data and real
Fig.1: The image shows a representative examples of D, f and D* maps for each SNRs, in simulations, generated with our neural network model and their
respective ground-truth images.
Fig.4: The image shows in-vivo IVIM maps examples generated using: our neural network a), Bayesian method b), Barbieri's neural network c), and Bertleff's neural network d).