Gradient waveforms for comprehensive sampling of the frequency and "shape" dimensions in b(ω)-encoded diffusion MRI
Hong Jiang1 and Daniel Topgaard1
1Physical Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
The proposed family of gradient waveforms enables comprehensive sampling of both the frequency and shape dimensions of diffusion encoding as required for detailed characterization of restrictions and anisotropy in heterogeneous materials such as brain tissues.
Figure 2. Experimental (markers) and fitted (lines) “powder-averaged”18 signal S/S0 vs. b-value. (a) Two-compartment phantom with pure water and a concentrated solution of magnesium nitrate give rise to two isotropic Gaussian (ω-independent) components. (b) Polydomain lamellar liquid crystal giving Gaussian axial and radial diffusivities, DA and DR, as estimated with a “Pake” model fit12. (c) Sediment of yeast cells with intra- and extracellular compartments, the latter exhibiting restricted (ω-dependent) diffusion.
Figure 1. Gradient waveforms gi(t) with duration τ for comprehensive sampling of the 2D space of root-mean-square frequency ωrms and normalized anisotropy bΔ (“shape”) of the tensor-valued diffusion encoding spectrum b(ω) with elements bij(ω). The q-vector trajectories shown for the bΔ= 0 case are derived from magic-angle spinning (MAS) and double rotation (DORn). Superquadric tensor glyphs29 along the vertical axis indicate the special values bΔ = –1/2, 0, 1/2, and 1. The waveforms are scaled to give identical b-values.