1H, 31P, 23Na, and 13C imaging and spectroscopy with a multi-tunable double-coil assembly
Viktor Puchnin1, Viacheslav Ivanov1, Mikhail Gulyaev2, and Mikhail Zubkov1
1Department of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
A dual-coil assembly for imaging two and more nuclei is tested with phantoms containing a mixture of different nuclei, including 1H, 31P, 23Na and 13C. 1H and 23Na images and 23Na, 31P and 13C spectra are acquired. The coil design shows promising results for multiheteronuclear imaging.
A – 1H image of a 3-section phantom filled uniformly with aqueous NaH2PO4 solution, B – 23Na image of a 3-section phantom. Section 1, “M” contains aqueous NaH2PO4. Section 2, “R”, contains a solution of NaCl and MnCl2. Section 3, “I”, is filled with the MnCl2 solution.
A – 1H butterfly-type coil model with tuning/matching capacitors. B – X-nuclei tuneable coil model. Feeding of the X-nuclei coil is provided via inductive coupling to a small loop coil.