Flexible 32-Channel 13C MRI Head Array: An EEG-Lookalike Design Approach
Juan Diego Sánchez Heredia1, Wenjun Wang1,2, Vitaliy Zhurbenko2, and Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen1
1Department of Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
We propose a design concept for flexible human
head coil arrays, where the array is built into a neoprene EEG cap, and made
of regular-copper flexible wire.
A 32-channel prototype for 13C at 3T
(32.1 MHz) is presented and evaluated, showing SNR performance superior to a 13C-dedicated
volume coil.
Figure 2. Fabricated flexible 32-channel 13C
receive-only array (f = 32.1 MHz), attached to the head phantom used for MR
characterization. The projection of the 7 slices used for the volumetric
characterization is also noted.
Figure 3. SNR maps of the
seven slices covering the whole brain area of the head phantom, and comparison
to the results measured with a reference birdcage coil.