Extracting information from diffusion MRI models to visualize the adequacy of acquisition protocols
Samuel St-Jean1,2, Filip Szczepankiewicz2, Christian Beaulieu1, and Markus Nilsson2
1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
A method is presented to efficiently compute and visualize how well a given diffusion MRI model is represented by a given acquisition scheme. Results with tensor-valued diffusion encoding literally show the dimensions accessible by a given protocol.
Figure 3: The first eigenvectors for the HCP dataset and for the multiple TE dataset. The constrained model is described by 2 components, despite being a four-parameter model. The first 5 eigenvectors of the unconstrained model show little contrast among themselves, suggesting that the acquisition cannot disentangle all model parameters. Bottom row shows the eigenvectors for data with varying b-tensors and TE. The contrast between images shows that additional information is captured by the acquisition.
Figure 1: Parameter maps (diffusivities in mm2/s) obtained with maximizing the inner product for the two HCP datasets (top and middle row) and for the b-tensor dataset (bottom row). The constrained estimation (top row) enforces Dpar > Dperp, leading to coherent-looking parameter maps by forcing the model into a lower dimensional space, which is not supported as well by the unconstrained version. The b-tensor encoded dataset suffers less from this degeneracy by providing an additional sample dimension.