Discriminative Ensemble Average Propagator radial profiles along fixels of the centrum semiovale
Gabrielle Grenier1, François Rheault1,2, and Maxime Descoteaux1
1Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab (SCIL), Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
The orientations of the corticospinal tracts are discriminated from the arcuate fasciculus and the corpus callosum by a sample of Ensemble Average Propagator values along different radii of the fixels in the 3-way crossing centrum semiovale region.
Figure 3 - Example of EAP reconstruction with MAP MRI of a single fiber population voxel of one subject from the HCP dataset. (A) 3D of the EAP reconstruction. (B) A 2D slice of the EAP. The black axis represents the orientation of the fiber population in the voxel (fixel). (C) Graph of the EAP profile computed from the angles of the fixels’ orientation at different radii in mm starting at 0mm to 0.020mm in this example.
Figure 4 - Columns: EAP profiles of the three bundles depending on the database (HCP and Penthera 3T). Rows: EAP profiles depending on the region of interest (left or right).