The Comparison of denoising methods for cardiac diffusion tensor imaging
Xi Xu1, Yuxin Yang1, Yuanyuan Liu1, Dong Liang1, Hairong Zheng1, and Yanjie Zhu1
1Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, ShenZhen, China
We evaluate three different image denoising methods in cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (CDTI) regarding image quality and accuracy of parameter estimates with simulation and ex-vivo experiments.
Fig.1 Simulated
DWI image corresponding to a noise-free simulation randomly selected, the noisy
image of SNR = 5~25 after adding Gaussian white noise, and the results after
Fig.2 Parameter
estimations of helix angle (HA) from the simulated, noisy and denoised (ANLM,
LPCA, MPPCA) images.