Fully automatic extraction of mitral valve annulus motion parameters on long axis CINE CMR using deep learning
Maria Monzon1,2, Seung Su Yoon1,2, Carola Fischer2, Andreas Maier1, Jens Wetzl2, and Daniel Giese2
1Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Magnetic Resonance, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Figure 1: Proposed CNN system. The long-axis CMR images are forwarded to the first
CNN which localizes the region of interest. After cropping and rotation, the
second CNN regresses the time-resolved mitral valve annulus landmarks from Gaussian
heatmaps. Finally, the motion parameters are extracted.
Figure 2: a) Feature extraction 2D Residual and 3D convolution
blocks. Each residual block consists of a spatial convolution(CONV)(3x3), Batch Normalization (BN) and Leaky Rectified Linear Units (LReLU)
activation layers. The 3D block consist of double spatial and temporal CONV(3x3x3)-BN-LReLU operations. b) Localization CNN architecture based on 2-D UNet with 3 encoder-decoder blocks. c) Landmark tracking Fully CNN architecture details based on 3-D UNet.For down-sampling asymmetrical max-pooling layers were applied into temporal and spatial dimensions.