Open Source Random Matrix Theory Software for the Analysis of Functional Magnetic-Resonance Imaging Examinations
Derek Berger1, Gurpreet S Matharoo1,2,3, and Jacob Levman1
1Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS, Canada, 2Physics, St. Francis Xavier University, Clydesdale, NS, Canada, 3ACENET, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS, Canada
We assess the potential application of
RMT-based features for the analysis of functional MRI (fMRI) across diverse
datasets. We find preliminary evidence suggesting that RMT-inspired features
may have unique potential in analyses of fMRI functional connectivity.
Figure 1. Spectral rigidity for controls (nopain) vs. those with
osteopathic pain taking duloxetine. Solid lines indicate group mean rigidity,
and shaded regions correspond to 99% percentile bootstrapped intervals for each
group. Vertical axes vary to better depict overlap.
Figure 2. Level variance
for controls (nopain) vs. those with osteopathic pain taking duloxetine. Solid
lines indicate group mean rigidity, and shaded regions correspond to 99%
percentile bootstrapped intervals for each group. Vertical axes vary to better depict overlap.