A setup for 3 T submillimeter layer-dependent fMRI weighted toward microvasculature
Lasse Knudsen1 and Torben Ellegaard Lund1
1Center of Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Århus N, Denmark
We present a setup for layer-dependent fMRI, which is feasible at highly available and clinically approved 3T systems, while maintaining sufficient SNR for detection of robust layer-dependent responses. Furthermore, the method seems to have a strong weighting toward microvasculature.
Figure 2: Thresholded statistical maps for each of the early, late and canonical responses, for both the magnitude (upper row) and phase time series (lower row). The shaded square illustrates the hand knob ROI used as an exclusive mask for the TDM and GLM analysis as well as image realignment.
Figure 1: The two waveforms (early and late) extracted from the magnitude images, using the TDM method. The profiles are seen to differ slightly on their rising edge, and at the post stimulus undershoot.