Saturated Look-Locker FAIR (SALL-FAIR) Sequence with FPOCK Model for Simultaneous Acquisition of CBF, aBAT, tBAT, and T1 Map
Zihan Ning1, Shuo Chen1, Zhensen Chen1, Huiyu Qiao1, Hualu Han1, Rui Shen1, Dandan Yang1, and Xihai Zhao1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
The proposed saturated
Look-Locker FAIR (SALL-FAIR) sequence with FPOCK model could provide accurate
CBF, aBAT, tBAT, T1 map with a single scan.
Figure 3. (A)
Perfusion weighted signal ΔM [% of M0] from Subject 3 from TI
= 250-1650 ms; (B) T1 map (ms) (C) CBF, aBAT tBAT and RMSE maps using the single-TI model, the Buxton’s
model and FPOCK model.
Figure 1. Pulse
sequence diagram for the SALL-FAIR sequence (A) and the illustration of
relative spatial positions of RF pulses (B).