Hippocampal subfield volumes relate to future cognitive performance in Multiple Sclerosis
Katherine A Koenig1, Jian Lin1, Daniel Ontaneda1, Kedar Mahajan1, Jenny Feng1, Stephen Rao1, Sanghoon Kim1, Stephen Jones1, and Mark J Lowe1
1The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
Using 7 tesla MRI, we measured hippocampal subfield volumes in 77 participants with Multiple Sclerosis. Subfield volumes were related to future cognitive performance, driven by the relapse remitting MS sample.
Figure 1. Representative hippocampal segmentation, showing sagittal (left) and coronal (right) slices. The top panel highlights the segmentation, while the bottom panel shows the underlying anatomy. (light orange - DG; yellow - CA1; green - SUB; dark orange - CA2 and CA3)
Figure 2. Relationship of TP1 right SUB volume and TP1 verbal fluency. The fit line represents the full sample. (FULL= full sample; RR = relapse remitting sample; SP = secondary progressive sample)