Time dependence of flow compensated intravoxel incoherent motion in tumor
Oscar Jalnefjord1,2, Louise Rosenqvist1, Mikael Montelius1, Lukas Lundholm1, Eva Forssell-Aronsson1,2, and Maria Ljungberg1,2
1Department of Radiation Physics, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
The results of this study show an encoding-time dependence of IVIM parameters in tumor when using a combination of flow-compensated and non-flow-compensated diffusions-encoding.
Figure 1. Pulse sequence used to produce flow-compensated (dashed line) and non-flow-compensated (solid line) diffusion encoding. The delays marked in red and blue were increased/decreased to vary the encoding time (T). The sum of the red and blue delays was kept constant to achieve a fixed echo time
Figure 4. Signal vs. b-value for different encoding times. The signal was averaged over voxels where assuming the ballistic regime provided a better fit to data than assuming the diffusive regime, using data from the shortest encoding time (T = 25 ms). The rationale behind this is that only these voxels were assumed to possibly show an encoding-time dependence, given that other voxels already were in the diffusive regime