Dynamic Functional Connectivity of Focused Ultrasound-induced Neuromodulation in Normal Rat Model
Yu-Chieh Hung1, Yi-Cheng Wang1, Hao-Li Liu2, and Hsu-Hsia Peng1
1Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
We quantitatively evaluated
the evolution of altered probability% of dynamic functional connectivity in
seven states at Pre-focused ultrasound (FUS), FUS-35min, and FUS-3hr, suggesting the potential of FUS-neuromodulation.
3. (a) The
correlation coefficients
of 7 centroids represented 7 states of dynamic functional connectivity of Pre-FUS,
FUS-35min, and FUS-3hr groups. (b,c) The
bar charts and spider chart illustrated the probability of 7 states occurring
in each group.
1. The flow chart of computing correlation
coefficients of
functional connectivity maps. (a) The determined 36 ROIs of rat brain. (b) Extracting BOLD signal from each
ROI. (c)
To evaluate
dynamic FC maps,
a sliding window method was performed to calculate Pearson’s
correlation coefficients between 36 ROIs.
(d) 36 ROIs were divided into 9 groups on FC map.