Restraint System for Motion Reduction in MRI studies of Awake Mice
Derek Prusener1, Maysam Nezafati1, Gloria Perrin Clavijo1, and Shella Keilholz1
1Biomedical Engineering, Emory University/Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States
We designed a head restraint system for image acquisition in awake mouse fMRI studies that minimized head motion. The system consists of a head implant, combined with a customized cradle and head holder.
A rendering of the cradle assembly with coil
holder, coil, acrylic pieces, and X-shaped head-bar. A rendering of a mouse skull is
inserted to show scale.
Renderings of the I-shaped (left) and
X-shaped (right) head-bar designs. Both head-bars are fabricated out of carbon fiber.