Cerebral hyper-perfusion associated with mild cognitive impairment in de novo Parkinson’s disease
Yong Zhang1, Chang-Peng Wang2, Jian Wang2, Li-Rong Jin2, and Bing Wu3
1GE Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 2Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China, 3GE Healthcare, Beijing, China
Increased CBF was detected
in the early de novo PD patients with mild cognitive impairment as compared to
controls, as well as higher perfusion relative to PD patients with normal
cognition. Cerebral hyper-perfusion in frontal lobe might be associated with
cognitive decline in early de novo PD.
CBF comparison between PD-MCI and normal controls (Yellow: PD-MCI>NC, corrected p<0.05)
CBF comparison between PD-MCI and PD-NC (Yellow: PD-MCI>PD-NC, corrected p<0.05)