A phantom system for evaluating the effect of lipid and iron composition on qMRI parameters
Rona Shaharabani1, Shir Filo1, Oshrat Shtangel1, and Aviv Mezer1
1The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
We describe a phantom system composed of lipids and iron for the assessment of their unique contribution to quantitative MRI parameters. We found that both changes in lipid concentrations (lipid-water fraction) and iron concentrations affected R2*, for all lipid types.
Fig. 1: Schematic representation of the MLV preparation method. (a) Soy PC, alone or as a mixture, was dissolved in chloroform (b) put in a vacuum rotary evaporator to create a uniform lipid film. (c) Ammonium bicarbonate was added to dissolve the lipid film. (d) The solution was then lyophilized and (e) rehydrated with a desired iron ion buffer to create the iron ion encapsulated MLV. (f) The samples were imaged in a clinical scanner.
Fig. 3: qMRI relaxation rate R2* with increasing concentration of iron ion Fe2+. R2* is affected by the lipid-water fraction and iron concentration. R2* values increase with increasing concentration of Fe2+ for all lipid types. Each color represents a different lipid-water fraction MLV phantom. (a) Lipid MLV phantom PC-Cholesterol with Fe2+. (b) Lipid MLV phantom PC with Fe2+. (c) Lipid MLV phantom PC-SM with Fe2+.